
Week 9 Review: Punctuation

Week 9 Story: Camille's Letter

Reading Notes: The Leopard And The Crocodile (Congo, Part B)

Reading Notes: Cochinango (Filipino Tales)

Growth Mindset: Genius

Growth Mindset: Infographic

Week 8 Review: Free Book Online

Growth Mindset: Beyond School

Week 8 Progress

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Famous Last Words: Two Tests on Monday

Week 7 Review: Chimera

Reading Notes: Another Vanishing Wife (Congo, Part A)

Week 7 Story: Aiko's Letter

Tech Tip: Einstein Chalkboard

Tech Tip: Collage

Tech Tip: Image Resizing

Learning Challenge: Empathy

Reading Notes: Princess Hase (Japanese Fairy Tales, Part B)

Learning Challenge: Reading Out Loud

Growth Mindset: Multiple Intelligences

Reading Notes: My Lord Bag of Rice (Japanese Fairy Tales, Part A)