This class has been awesome! One of my favorite classes at OU! The stories we read are really great! I think my favorite ones so far have been about Cupid and Psyche! I'm a huge fan of romance, so this was perfect! But there have been a lot of other great ones too! I liked reading the Congo unit and the Indian Fairy Tales. The way I've been doing my reading notes are really helpful for when I write my story. I basically just write down ideas for writing a story! What I want to change, etc. I'm also really happy with the class project! I remember being nervous about it at the beginning of the year, but so far, I'm really happy with the way it turned out! It's probably one of my biggest accomplishments of the class, and I can't wait to keep expanding it!
This picture is from my "Famous Last Words" assignment from Week 4. I was looking through my posts, and this picture stuck out. It's really important to me to not be afraid of the future, especially even when I don't know what's going to happen.
This picture is from my "Famous Last Words" assignment from Week 4. I was looking through my posts, and this picture stuck out. It's really important to me to not be afraid of the future, especially even when I don't know what's going to happen.
The right kind of "busy"
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