Week 8 Progress

I'm really happy with my progress in this class. Grading-wise, I have less than 100 points left, so I'm almost done with the class, and it's only October! 😊 I've done all the extra credit, except for the Wikipedia Trails 😅. I just got a little lazy and didn't want to research things and then write up stuff. But I've really enjoyed all the other extra credit options. I usually do extra credit on the weekends or free time in classes. I do the other assignments just whenever I'm free, and I like the grace period of one day. I've definitely used that quite a bit. I'm thinking about stopping some of the assignments and focus on the project so I don't finish all the points before finishing my project. Hopefully, I can start working on that quicker, rather than on a weekly basis.

Almost done! Also, just keep swimming 🐟😁
Source: Wikipedia

P.S. Michael Phelps is in this picture.
