Week 7 Story: Aiko's Letter

Dear Priyanka and Camille,

Girls, these last few months have gotten so bad with my stepmom. I can just feel her rage and hatred towards me, and I don't know what to do. All I've ever done is be nice to her! Three weeks ago, she ordered one of the servants to kill me in the mountains. But don't worry! I'm okay!! He took me up Mount Fuji, and we finally got to a hut where he took me inside and told me everything. It was really sweet, and I'm so grateful to have a trustworthy servant like him. This whole thing could have had such a different ending if it had been someone else. But anyways, he told me that we couldn't return to the royal pagoda. Instead, he had already told his family to meet us at the hut! Like he was actually planning to stay there! FOREVER!! WITH HIS FAMILY!!! Can you believe him? I have to be honest, my first thoughts were filled with fear. I didn't know what to do. "Could I actually live here?" I thought to myself. But then, a few seconds later, the answer came to. "I shouldn't have to! I am the princess of Japan, and I do not have to live in fear!" I got up and asked the servant if he was coming with me. He said that he couldn't face the empress for she would surely kill him. I said that I would protect him, but he refused. I guess he didn't think I'd be able to. I understand where he's coming from, but a confidence boost would've been a bit more helpful, but oh well. So I set off on my own, back to the pagoda. Girls, I'm not gonna lie, I was scared. I'd never traveled on my own before, much less on a mountain. The trek to the top was hard enough and that was with my servant! On the way down though, I think I just forgot about everything else going on and just focused on the path in front of me. One step at a time. By the time I got to the bottom, let's just say I was unrecognizable. There were sticks in my hair, dirt on my face and clothes, blood on my hands from the numerous times I fell. I was a mess. BUT I GOT THROUGH IT!! And now, it was time to face my stepmother. When I finally got to the pagoda, I saw my dad at the gate! He had an army with him. I think he was going on a search for me? He ran to me and started to cry! It was the happiest and saddest moment of my life! I've never seen Dad cry before, but I was so happy to be back. "Where have you been?!" he asked. And I explained everything to him. He was heartbroken. I still remember his words: "Aiko, I'm so sorry for everything. I should have protected you better." I looked into his eyes and smiled, "Dad, look at me! I'm fine! You raised me well. I was able to come back myself. I don't need anyone to protect me." And Dad smiled back and said, "You're right, my love. I'm so proud of you." Girls, in that moment, I think I was the happiest person in the world! :))) So anyways, I'm back at home, safe and sound! How have you girls been?! It's been too long, come visit me! Hope you're doing well! Write me back soon!


~Princess Aiko of Japan 🗾~ 

P.S. The empress has been banished! :)

Mt. Fuji on Pixabay

Author's Note:
      This letter is based on The Story of Princess Hase. I changed the name of the princess from Hase to Aiko just for fun! In the original story, Princess Hase's mother died when she was only five years old. Her father remarried, and the stepmother hated Princess Hase. The stepmother didn't see herself as the girl's mother, and over time, the hatred escalated, especially after the stepmother tried to poison Princess Hase but ended up killing her own son. One day, when Hase's father was gone on a trip, the stepmother ordered a servant to take Hase to the Hibari Mountains to kill her. But instead, he went to a solitary place in the country. He wanted to save the princess's life, so he built a cottage and lived there with his wife and Princess Hase. The chapter ends with Hase believing that her father would return home, realize she's missing, and find her, which is what happens.
      In my version of the story, I wanted the princess to have her own independence and save herself, instead of waiting for her dad. This story is also a part of my Storybook, with the underlying theme of empowering girls! There are three princesses, and they share their stories with each other through letters. Check it out here!

Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki; link to the reading online.


  1. I actually laughed out loud reading this story!!! Seriously the letter is so different and so funny because it's so chill about her step-mother trying to kill her - I loved it! Way to make an old story (Evil Stepmother) feel new again! I also loved that you had the Princess save herself in this one, all about the girl power! Great job and I can't wait to read more!

  2. Hello Jessica! This story was amazing! Choosing to write it as a letter is an amazing idea. It provides a closer relationship with the story teller. I love how you changed the ending from the original story to give the princess more independence. It sounds like the servant should have had more faith in her! Did the servant return to the palace after the empress was banished?

  3. Hi Jessica, I like that you formatted your story like a letter and included all of the information of the previous story in that letter, with your own changes. It sounds like the changes you made form the original story served to make it a much more interesting read! I think that everyone would like to think of the princess as independent in this case. Great story!

  4. Jessica, this is such a fun way to write this story! I love how easygoing the princess sounds about her stepmom's plot to kill her — it starts out like she's just a typical young woman fighting with her stepmom, but then you drop the part about one of her servants being ordered to kill her and it's actually really funny. Writing it as a letter works to tell the story quickly and succinctly, but still with a lot of voice!

  5. Hello Jessica! I think that you did a great job in the way that you set this story up. I think you added some comedy into it by having the princess be so casual with such a serious matter. I think that you did a great job getting the reader engaged in the events of the story. I hope to read some more of your stories in the future!


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