Typing Test Tech Tip

I used KeyHero.com to take the typing test, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. I've taken other tests before, and they're usually a little longer. I think longer ones may give a better indication of your true typing speed. I've taken typing tests before, as a game with my cousins, LOL. I think over time, my typing has definitely gotten better. But I don't think it was that difficult, considering the fact that we use computers daily. I've transitioned from paper note taking to taking notes on my laptop in some of my classes. I just write too slow to keep up! So yes, typing is definitely a skill you should have for school. It definitely helps in class or just when doing assignments like writing a paper!

Typing Test Attempt 1 -  KeyHero.com

Typing Test Attempt 2 -  KeyHero.com

I took it again for fun, and I got some improvement! 😁
