Princess Hase of Japan - This was a beautiful story, but it skips over the classic love story between the adopted heir and Princess Hase. I'd like to try and write it!
Princess Labam of India - So as I was reading this story, I was intrigued on what would happen. Then I got to this page and was shocked. The princess meets some guy in her room and decides to marry him because he is the son of a raja!? What!? What if he was lying and wasn't a prince? This is definitely an idea, but I think I want to do a character switch, where Princess Labam is the one who has to do a bunch of tasks to win the hand of the prince in marriage.
Filipino Princess - The princess is not portrayed very well. She is stuck up and doesn't want to marry a beggar, so instead she puts him in jail and tries to starve him! I would change the story to where the king wouldn't allow the princess to marry the poor man, but with her help, the poor man eventually proves himself to the king and they are happily married!
A love story ;)
Source: Pixabay
Princess Labam from Indian Fairy Tales
Source: Wikimedia Commons
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