Famous Last Words: Chill Week 😌

This week was a pretty chill week! Not too busy, so yay!

This week's reading was all right, not too interesting but not bad! I read the fables of Bidpai, and it was interesting because some of the fables sounded very familiar, like I had already read them before in this class. I'm not sure if some fables were part of another module or something, but it was odd! They weren't exactly the same; they had some minor changes like added elements to the plot. For extra credit, I finished up Twenty-Two Goblins module, which was really interesting and captivating! I really liked hearing the riddles and how the wise king answered! And the conclusion was pretty interesting too! Definitely wasn't expecting it and I recommend it to others! Here's the link: Twenty-Two Goblins. For my story this week, I put a modern spin on one of the fables, and I thought it went pretty well. And of course, as usual, I was impressed with others' work too! The projects are turning out really well! 

In my other classes, nothing much has been happening. I had a skills test in Micro lab, and it went well! I was a little worried when the final minutes were approaching and I hadn't found anything on my slide, but then like magic, something focused! Thank God! 😊 I had a pretty big computer assignment due in my Capstone class, but I got that done. Hopefully, I did it right, LOL.

Monday is going to be a little rough; I've got two tests (Pathogenic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and then Microbiology Lab). So this weekend is just going to be studying for that! It's going to be my first Microbiology Lab test, so hopefully that goes well. Wish me luck! 

So much to study 😓
Source: Pexels
