My Feedback Thoughts

I am actually looking forward to getting feedback from my peers on my work. I like to know what others think of it. I don't think editing and reviewing on your own is enough because you have a bias to your work. So this picture is for you guys! I'm ready to hear your honest opinions!
"Keep Calm and Click [edit]"

Recalibrating the Perfectionist Mind - The piece of advice that stuck out to me in this article is "Finding Balance when Striving for Excellence: Focusing on Recovery from Errors Not Avoiding Errors". I've never heard this before, and it really made me think about it. I have to agree. Mistakes are natural; we shouldn't spend all of our time trying to prevent them. Instead, we should know how to deal with mistakes!

6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success - 2, 4, and 5 are closely related and definitely things I need to keep in mind.
   2: "Catastrophizing the future." The future will happen as it is supposed to. Don't worry too much about it, don't tell yourself you're going to fail.
   4: "Believing self-doubt."
   5: "Putting yourself down."
Self-confidence is an important quality to have. Of course, you don't want too much, but at least have a good balance.
